Monday, March 22, 2010



tips2 utk interview..
mls plak rase nk beceloteh pjg..
amekla yg mane perlu..

Introduction - Your appearance, handshake, ability to make eye contact, ability to state your name, posture, and overall attitude all add up to a great introduction.

  • In every interview, your dress should be business casual, at the very least. Even if the interviewers did not specify a dress code, it is better to be overdressed than to be underdressed
  • The handshake should be firm, but not overpowering or held for too long
  • Eye contact is a sign of respect in American society, so always show respect by looking your interviewer in the eye
  • You should be able to say your first and last name confidently to each interviewer, maintain a good listening posture, and make the interviewers feel like you desire to be there and deserve the scholarship

Body - This consists of the questions that will be asked of you. These can either be very open ended such as: “Tell us about yourself.”Or very direct such as: “What is your potential major?” Not only are your answers important but so, too, are the manner in which you listen and interact with the interviewers.

  • The questions can get difficult, it is much better to pause and gather your thoughts before you answer than to answer prematurely
  • When the interviewers are talking give them your full attention and listen actively and be aware of your body language
  • Try to answer each question completely and give a complete answer, but do not talk unnecessarily or ramble
  • Do not be afraid to be yourself or throw some humor into your answers

Conclusion - The time to wrap up everything you showed during the introduction and body of the interview. This includes keeping the same professionalism and great attitude you came in with, and reinforcing the answers you gave.

  • When the interviewers are done asking you their questions, they may see if you have any questions for them. Even if they do not ask if you have any questions, politely tell them you would like to ask them some questions. This shows you are interested in them, just as much as they are in you.
  • When you get up to leave the interview room, make sure that you shake every person’s hand in the room and thank them for the opportunity.

In addition to having a good intro, body, and conclusion there are simple mistakes that everyone should avoid, the way you would try to steer clear of spelling and grammar mistakes in an essay.

  1. Always show up early for an interview
  2. Turn your cellular device on silent mode or off
  3. Do not fidget your fingers or give attention to other items such as a pen while others are speaking
  4. Never leave the interview without showing appreciation and stating that you look forward to communication in the future

rjin2knlah dri bkk lmn web n..
utk interview MARA..

sblum tu..

ya ALLAH..
kau jadikanlah ak dn rakan2 seperjuanganku dipilih oleh pihak MARA atau JPA untuk menghadiri temuduga bagi mandapatkan biasiswa untuk program ijazah luar negara(PILN)2010..

dan seterusnya ya ALLAH..kau berikanlah kami keyakinan diri sepanjang temuduga itu sehingga kami dapat meyakinkan penemuduga itu supaya memilih kami sebagai pemegang biasiswa MARA atau JPA untuk program ijazah luar negara(PILN) 2010 ya ALLAH..