Friday, June 29, 2012

jumaat yang berkat.

salam ~

dikejutkan dgn berita 2 org senior akhawat (tahun 3) yg akan berkahwin dgn 2 org senior ikhwah.
wooo. mmg x disangka. Dan keempat-empat aktif dlm b'persatuan. *hembus nafas panjang.*

Barakallah hu lakuma wa barak 3laikuma, wa jama3a bainakuma fi khair :)
semoga rumahtangga yg dibina dilimpahi mawaddah ran rahmahNya. ameen

tahun 3. x jauh pon dgn tahun 2. setahun je pon beza. takut. cuak. x sangka. anything can happen.
bukan nk perasan i'm a bride-to-be,ok :P!!. memang x lah kan. cuma terbayang, kalau lh dis happen to my friend. T_T kehilangan yg besar akn sgt dirasai. i love my friend very much. tolong jgn kawin awal. eh. boleh pulak.

and pesanan khas org yg aktif b'persatuan. beware!
watch ur intention. and purify them :)
semoga Allah redha .

n org yg kurang (baca: malas :P) b'persatuan  *like me!
jom b'persatuan.kihkihkih 345x.
i mean, kena betulkan niat juga :)

p/s : jodoh Allah dh tetapkan. x pyh susah2 nk cari. yg kena cari, hidayah.. tau! *sepakan selaju 100km/min kat muka*

p/ss : "habiskan hafal 1 quran dulu bru bleh kawen." -quoted- *kering air mata menangis dgn kehebatan org yg quot kn ayt ni.T_T

Saturday, June 23, 2012

air T_T

masyaAllah. ayaqqqqqq.lebatnya ayaqqqq
salam ~

cuma nk ckp. dh 2 hari x dak air. satu bangunan x dek.
" what? 2 haqi x dak ayaq pon nk ceqita kat blog ka?!" *tiba2 nk kaitkn dgn oqang utaqa.kih3

i'm a waterrr loverrr. so, ketiadaan air selama 2 hari membuatkan jiwa ini benar2 terseksa.
just now, diri ini mula mempersoalkan nikmat Allah. astaghfirullah. nipisnya iman. bru 2 hri x dak ayaq dh jd cmni. astaghfirullah. ampunkan dosaku ya Allah. ~_~.                                                            

rasa mcm serba x kena bila x dek air. lebih2 lagi bila di musim panas. Allah. sungguh. sangat banyak nikmat Mu kepada hambamu. baru x dek satu nikmat pon dh melatah. padahal belambak2 lagi nikmat Allah yg lain yg tidak kau syukuri. astaghfirullah.

 " Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhanmu yang kamu hendak dustakan? (wahai umat manusia dan jin) " surah Ar-Rahmaan. *dushdush*

 bersyukurlah wahai hamba Allah yang hina. negara lain ad yg bertahun2 kemarau. hang nak kata pa?
bersyukurlah. bersyukurlah. Alhamdulillah. makanan cukup. udara cukup, elektrik cukup, duit cukup, keperluan hidup cukup, bahkan kehendak pon cukup. T_T.

"Sometimes In Life We Feel So Blue,
But Someone Somewhere Is Not As Happy As You.

Somewhere Far At The Border When A Soldier Sleeps,
Missing His Loved Ones, He Silently Weeps.

Somewhere a Mother Painfully Sighs, 
Because Her Newborn Baby Didn't Open Her Eyes. 

Somewhere A Poor Dad Pleads & Cries,
When He Sees His Son Begging For A Bowl Of Rice.

Somewhere In An Orphanage A Little Girl Is Sad,
When She Sits Alone & Misses Her Mum & Dad.

So At Times, To Have A Reason To Smile, You May Not Have Any,
Say To Yourself That You Are Happier Than Many.

Because Life Is Beautiful & It's Not Always Blue,
& Someone Somewhere Is Not As Happy As You. 

Be Grateful to ALLAH for what You have today and remember to say a Prayer for those who are not as fortunate as you!!" -quoted- 

Ya ALLAH !!! Thank You for eveything in my life...
Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah Rabbil 'Aalameen!!!!

to my dear omma
 do take care of yourself because i love you very much. <3 <3 <3 <3

adik, take care too. :). take care of mum too. everything about her, inside out, take a very good care. Because she is very precious to all of us.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Just Do Not Live In Ignorance. T_T


:''(. (emosi sebentar di keheningan pagi hari pertama persekolahan)

selain Palestine, Syria. ad je negara lain lagi yang penduduk islam nya dibunuh, dan ditindas.Chechnya, contohnya. bru shj kisahnya dibincangkan dlm bulatan gembira. & inilah pertama kali sy mendengar cerita tentang sebuah negara bernama Chechnya. Jom sama2 doakan. lagi baik, kalau ditambah dengan usaha2 lain. :).

selamat bersekolah semua!

Saturday, June 2, 2012




" There once was a little bird who live in the time of Prophet Ibrahim AS. When Prophet Ibrahim AS was burned by the villagers, a little bird saw what happen and decided to put out the fire to help Prophet Ibrahim AS. The bird scoop up water from the river but it is not enough because the bird's beak is small. Larger birds in the vicinity watched and laughed at the little bird and they said " Why are you carrying the water? "
The little bird said " To put out the fire around Prophet Ibrahim AS "
The larger birds continue laughing. "How could you put out that fire with such a small amount of water? It is pointless"

Do you know what the little bird replied?

"I am sure Allah will not asked me whether I manage to put out the fire or not.But Allah will ask what have I done to stop the fire"

Hearing the answer, all the larger birds are silented.

semoga kamu, saya dn dia terus istiqamah walaupun cuma dgn batu yg kecil.
Allah x nilai natijah. Allah nilai usaha ;).