Friday, January 11, 2013

deja vu(?)

salam ~

yeahh. it has been a longggg timeeeeeeeeeeee. realllyyy longggg. dh msuk tahun baru dh pon  kan? *ckp kt dri sendiri

what happened to me once, happen to my sister. 

i know it's really hard. and i know you want to make your own decision.
it's the same with me. i used to rebel at my friendster *zmn batu dolu kann. jgn tiru plak ketidakmacetan ini*
but, everything will be jussstttt fineeee. believe me ;). 
and most important believe Allah. ok?
just go with the flow and enjoy the moment. sbb you are not going with the flow yg Allah marah. but you are going with the flow within His Redha. *hah! grammar brteraboqq*

"kita merencana, parents kita merencana, Allah juga merencana. and verily, Allah is the BEST planner"

kerja rumah (sila buka surah Al-baqarah ayat 216. ^_^ )

oh. people in Jordan call this fine. :D

oh. and ap yg ditulis kat ats, allllll goes back to me. May Allah ease all of us. May Malaysian in Malaysia will be justtt fine. *sigh* You really knows what is the best, ya Allah. :)