i was thinking about factors that causes hatred and arguments between people and make them cumbersome for each other, such that one may not even like to see or be in someone's company, or travel with him, or even attend his wedding. I discovered that it is the tongue that causes a man to stoop to such a level. How often brothers or couples quarrel all because of verbal abuse, backbiting or insults!!
cumbersome = m'nyusahkan
stoop = tunduk
backbiting = memfitnah
when we are able to deliver our thoughts to others with beautiful manners, why then resort to horrible ones??
okay, we will start our story now...
there was once a king who saw in a dream that all his teeth had fallen out.
He called a dream-interpreter, told him what he saw in his dream, and interpret it.
the real story start here.......
When the interpreter heard the dream, his complexion changed and he began to repeat,"Allah's refuge is sought!Allah's refuge is sought!"
Allah's refuge is sought = perlindungan Allah dicari
The king become worried and asked,"What is the interpretation of my dream?"
The interpreter said,"After many years pass, your wife and children will die and you will be left alone!"
The king screamed, become furious, and began to hurl abuses and insults. He then ordered that the interpreter be imprisoned and called another interpreter, related to him what he saw in the dream and asked him for its interpretation.
The dream interpreter smiled and saids,"Glad tidings, dear king! It means that you will live for very long- so long! that you will be the last of your family to die and you will remain a king your entire life."
Glad tidings = khabar gembira
The king become very pleased, showered him with gifts and remained content with him whilst angry with the first dream-interpreter.
++++++ If you contemplate, you will realise hat both of the interpretations were the same, the difference was in the way in which the interpretation was conveyed,+++++++
tere x english ak???ahaks~
cite kat ats tlh d'copy n d'paste dr buku b'tajok
by : Dr MuHaMmAD AbD Al-RaHamAn AL-A'Rifi
slamat m'renung dn b'amal~~=D